Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How to Install Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu [SOLVED]

Hello Everyone,

Yesterday I have installed the Ruby on Rails on my Ubuntu 12.04. It is really a fun! I think I should share it!

So following are the steps to install Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu!

1) When you are installing something you should always run the
sudo apt-get update 
This will make sure that we have all packages installed and up to date :)

2) After update you should install RVM ( Ruby Version Manager ) Now, RVM is really a cool unix-like software platform designed to manage multiple installations of Ruby on the same device. You can install RVM using CURL only. So very first, you have to make sure that CURL is installed on your ubuntu.
Just run below command to install CURL
sudo apt-get install curl

Now after CURL you can install RVM with below command
\curl -L | bash -s stable

3) Now you have successfully installed Ruby Version Manager! Now lets install Ruby! But wait, before that have you checked the dependencies for RVM ?  You can check it with below command
rvm requirements
Just resolve the Dependencies :) It is really a painful procedure! but dependencies may vary from user to user! so you have to solve it on your own!

4) Now lets install Ruby! with below command
rvm install 1.9.3 

Now you have installed Ruby! Just tell your machine to use 1.9.3 as default with below command
rvm use 1.9.3 --default

After setting 1.9.3 as default lets get the Ruby gem. RVM now provides a 'rubygems' CLI command which allows you to change the rubygems version for the installed interpreter. In order to install the most recent RubyGems that RVM knows about you can do. Use below command to install 
rvm rubygems current

5) Now we have Ruby installed, all we need to install is Rails! and its dependencies through RubyGems
use below command to install Rails
gem install rails

6) Now finally after installing Rails! you can create your very own application skeleton and start the server!
E.g. rails new path/to/your/new/application
cd path/to/your/new/application
rails server

You are now running Ruby on Rails! :)
I hope it helped you :)

Thanks for reading!

Enjoy & be open
Amit Naik

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